Welcome from the Dean

Thanks for your interest in Talbot School of Theology. I invite you to explore our website and check us out. I am confident that you will like what you find.
Talbot is more than a seminary and is far more than a place to get a graduate degree. It is a community that people join for a season of life and then find it very hard to leave. The relationships that develop, the dynamic experiences in the classroom, the learning, the sense of God’s presence in this place — all combine to make Talbot an enriching educational experience like no other.
That is true in the online classroom as well as in the residential classroom. We have worked very hard to make the online learning experience top quality.
One of our passions at Talbot is to combine excellence in scholarship with a heart for people in the context of a devotion to God. We strive to have a vital connection with what God is doing in the church and throughout the world. We want to make a difference.
As you browse through our website and talk to our faculty, alumni and students, please take special note of some of our distinctive traits that are mentioned frequently by those who know us. These include:
- Our dedication to the Bible as God’s inerrant word
- Our quality faculty who care about their students
- Our diverse student body
- Our passion to equip you for effective local church ministry
- Our ability to prepare students for Ph.D. work at top institutions
- Our bottom line commitment to impact the world for the Lord Jesus Christ
May the Lord give you wisdom and grace as you seek his direction.
Dr. Ed Stetzer, Dean